Complaint Feedback Loop

Identify opportunities to improve how well your emails are received.

Enroll Now

Complaint Feedback Loop

Identify opportunities to improve how well your emails are received.

Enroll Now

Protect your sending reputation

When recipients mark your email as Spam, it negatively impacts your reputation as a sender. You can address this by enrolling in the Complaint Feedback Loop. Once enrolled, you'll receive a report when recipients mark your emails as Spam. This allows you to optimize who you target and how often.

How it works

The Complaint Feedback Loop program only supports DKIM-signed email and is a domain based service. In order to enroll in the CFL, senders must sign their outbound email with DKIM, so that Yahoo can determine the actual sender of an email.

If a message is signed with a DKIM key that is enrolled in the CFL program, Yahoo sends the enrolled address a report in a format called ARF (Abuse Reporting Format) so that the sender can suppress that recipient from further campaigns.

Getting Started

  1. Create your Sender profile
  2. Add and verify your domain
  3. Enroll your domain


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